Holographic spontaneous anisotropy
Autor(es) y otros:
Fecha de publicación:
Versión del editor:
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020(4), p. 62- (2020); doi:10.1007/JHEP04(2020)062
Descripción física:
p. 62-
Patrocinado por:
C.H. ispartially supported by the Spanish grant PGC2018-096894-B-100 and by the Principado de Asturias through the grant GRUPIN-IDI/2018 /000174. N. J. is supported in part by the Academy of Finland grant no. 1322307. J. M. P. and A. V. R. are funded by the Spanish grant FPA2017-84436-P, by Xunta de Galicia-Consellería de Educación (ED431C-2017/07), by FEDER and by the Maria de Maeztu Unit of Excellence MDM-2016-0692.J. M. P. is also supported by the Spanish FPU fellowship FPU14/06300 and a Royal SocietyUniversity Research Fellowship Enhancement Award.
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