Circulating tumor cells for comprehensive and multiregional non-invasive genetic characterization of multiple myeloma
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This study was supported by the Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red—Área de Oncología—del Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CIBERONC; CB16/12/00236, CB16/12/00369, CB16/12/00489,and CB16/12/00400); by Cancer Research UK [C355/A26819] and FC AECC and AIRC under the Accelerator Award Program; by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, FCAECC and co-financed by FEDER (ERANETTRANSCAN-2 iMMunocell AC17/00101); the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and co-financed by FSE (Torres Quevedo fellowship,PTQ-16-08623); the Black Swan Research Initiative of the International Myeloma Foundation; European Research Council (ERC) under the European Commission’s H2020 Framework Programme (MYELOMANEXT, 680200); the Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF) Award No. 7-916-3-237; the AACR-Millennium Fellowship in Multiple Myeloma Research (15-40-38-PAIV); the Leukemia Research Foundation; and the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation (MMRF) under the 2019 Research Fellowship Award
- Artículos [36923]