Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio: A potential new peripheral biomarker of suicidal behavior
Autor(es) y otros:
Velasco, Ángela; Rodríguez Revuelta, Julia
; Olié, Emilie; Abad, Iciar; Fernández Peláez, Abel; Cazls, Aurélie; Guillaume, Sébastien; Fuente Tomás, Lorena de la
; Jiménez Treviño, Luis
; Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, Laura
; García-Portilla González, María Paz
; Bobes, Julio
; Courtet, Philippe; Saiz Martínez, Pilar Alejandra

Fecha de publicación:
Versión del editor:
European Psychiatry, 63(1), p. e14- (2020); doi:10.1192/j.eurpsy.2019.20
Descripción física:
p. e14-
Patrocinado por:
This research was partially supported by grants FIS PI14/02029 and PI17/01433 (PI: P.A.S.) from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, and Fondos Europeos de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), by the Government of the Principality of Asturias PCTI-2018-2022IDI/2018/235,and by an RYC fellowship (RYC-2013- 12587) and an I+D 2017 grant (SAF2017-85489-P) to L.G. Finally, L.d.l.F.-T. and Á.V. received Severo Ochoa grants (PA-17-PF-B16-179 and PA-18-PF- BP17-177, respectively) from the Government of the Principality of Asturias.
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