Una comparsa d'aguilandeiros nos años 40 n'Allande
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Descríbese nesti trabayu una fiesta que tuvo una presencia importante na fastera oriental del conceyu d’Ayande, les rondes d’aguilandeiros que se facíen pal tiempu de navidá o pa escontra l’Antroxu. Una de les últimes rondes que se fixeron enantes de la recuperación de la fiesta na última década del sieglu xx fue la que movieron los mozos de los pueblos de Cimalavil.la, Penablanca ya Caleyu, todos tres de la parroquia de La Puela, nos años cuarenta d’esi mesmu sieglu. la información que s’usa pa esti artículu básase principalmente nos testimonios recoyíos de vecinos d’estos pueblos. / / / This article describes a festival which had great relevance in the Eastern area of the council of Ayande which are the appearances of these Aguilandeiros that took place to the Christmas season or near the Carnival. One of the last apparitions of these characters before the recovering of this festival in the last decade of the 20th century was made by the young men in the villages of Cimalavil.la, Penablanca and Caleyu, all of them from the parish of La Puela in the 40’s of this century. All the information used in this article is mainly based on the testimony given by the people living in these villages.
Descríbese nesti trabayu una fiesta que tuvo una presencia importante na fastera oriental del conceyu d’Ayande, les rondes d’aguilandeiros que se facíen pal tiempu de navidá o pa escontra l’Antroxu. Una de les últimes rondes que se fixeron enantes de la recuperación de la fiesta na última década del sieglu xx fue la que movieron los mozos de los pueblos de Cimalavil.la, Penablanca ya Caleyu, todos tres de la parroquia de La Puela, nos años cuarenta d’esi mesmu sieglu. la información que s’usa pa esti artículu básase principalmente nos testimonios recoyíos de vecinos d’estos pueblos. / / / This article describes a festival which had great relevance in the Eastern area of the council of Ayande which are the appearances of these Aguilandeiros that took place to the Christmas season or near the Carnival. One of the last apparitions of these characters before the recovering of this festival in the last decade of the 20th century was made by the young men in the villages of Cimalavil.la, Penablanca and Caleyu, all of them from the parish of La Puela in the 40’s of this century. All the information used in this article is mainly based on the testimony given by the people living in these villages.