Poor mothers, unhealthy children: The transmission of health inequalities in the INMA study, Spain
Fecha de publicación:
Versión del editor:
European Journal of Public Health, 29(3), p. 568-574 (2019); doi:10.1093/eurpub/cky239
Descripción física:
p. 568-574
Patrocinado por:
The INMA project is funded by grants from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Red INMA G03/176 and CB06/02/0041) and by donations of Fundación Roger Torné. The studies in the specific regions were funded by the Spanish Ministry of Health (FIS 03/1615, 04/1436, 04/1509, 04/1112, 04/1931, 05/1079, 05/1052, 06/0867, 06/1213, 07/0314, 08/1151, 09/02647), the Generalitat de Catalunya (CIRIT1999SGR00241), the Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa (DFG06/004), the Department of Health of the Basque Government (2005111093), the Regional Government of Andalucía (SAS 07/183), and donations of Obra Social Cajastur, Universidad de Oviedo and the Conselleria de Sanitat Generalitat Valenciana.
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