Ceramic materials characterization using miniature mechanical tests: comparison between B3B and SPT tests
Fecha de publicación:
Versión del editor:
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 39(14), p. 4113-4121 (2019); doi:10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2019.06.019
Descripción física:
p. 4113-4121
Patrocinado por:
Projects MAT2014-58738-C3 and CSIC PIE 201660E097C. C. Quintana thanks the financial support from the Principado de Asturias Regional Government through the Severo Ochoa Scholarship Programme (contract BP17-27QBC) The authors would like to thank to the Principado de Asturias government for the financing support given to the IDI/2018/000134 project
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