Utilizando técnicas de mejora de rendimiento de amplificadores de potencia de RF en Comunicaciones por Luz Visible
Fecha de publicación:
As very well known, modern communications need linear and efficient RF Power Amplifiers (RFPAs). Classical Class A and Class B RFPAs exhibit extremely low efficiency when amplifying signals with high Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR). In order either to increase the efficiency of linear RFPAs or to achieve linear behaviour in the case of efficient (but not linear) Switching-Mode RFPAs, several techniques can be applied. These techniques can be divided in two categories: a) those based on the use of Switching-Mode DC-to-DC converters and, b) those based on combining the operation of several RFPAs. Although the expanding of these techniques is mainly due to the mobile (cellular) telephony, they can be used in other progressing telecom scenario: the Visible Light Communication (VLC). Thus, this paper tries to show how the aforementioned techniques can help us to develop more efficient VLC transmitters.
As very well known, modern communications need linear and efficient RF Power Amplifiers (RFPAs). Classical Class A and Class B RFPAs exhibit extremely low efficiency when amplifying signals with high Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR). In order either to increase the efficiency of linear RFPAs or to achieve linear behaviour in the case of efficient (but not linear) Switching-Mode RFPAs, several techniques can be applied. These techniques can be divided in two categories: a) those based on the use of Switching-Mode DC-to-DC converters and, b) those based on combining the operation of several RFPAs. Although the expanding of these techniques is mainly due to the mobile (cellular) telephony, they can be used in other progressing telecom scenario: the Visible Light Communication (VLC). Thus, this paper tries to show how the aforementioned techniques can help us to develop more efficient VLC transmitters.
Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio, URSI (34º. 2019. Sevilla)
Patrocinado por:
Trabajo financiado por el Ministerio de Economía a través de del proyecto MINECO-17-DPI2016-75760-R, el Gobierno del Principado de Asturias a través del proyecto IDI/2018/000179, la beca BP17-91 y los fondos FEDER.