Prenatal Omega-6:Omega-3 Ratio and Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms
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Supported by the Spanish Institute of Health Carlos III (Co-funded by European Regional Development Fund “A way to make Europe”) (CP14/00108, PI16/00261, MS14/00108 [to J.J.]), the Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca, Generalitat de Catalunya - Fons Social Europeu (2017 FI_B 00636 [to N.V-T.]), the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (RYC-2012-10995 [to P.D.] and RYC-2011-08796 [to D.R.]), Obra Social Cajastur/Fundación Liberbank, Universidad de Oviedo, CIBERESP, Department of Health of the Basque Government, the Provincial Government of Gipuzkoa, the municipalities of the study area (Zumarraga, Urretxu, Legazpi, Azkoitia y Azpeitia y Beasain), Generalitat Valenciana, Generalitat de Catalunya, Fundació La marató de TV3, and the EU Commission. ISGlobal is a member of the CERCA Programme, Generalitat de Catalunya.
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