Intraplate Seismicity in Northwest Iberia along the Trace of the Ventaniella Fault: A Case for Fault Intersection at Depth
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C.L.F., J.O., and S.L.F. acknowledge financial support to the GEO-CANTABRICA research group through a grant (GRUPIN14-044) from the Government of the Principality of Asturias and FEDER funds. The seismicity data were acquired in collaboration with project MISTERIOS (Grant Number CGL2013-48601-C2-2-R) from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of the Government of Spain, who also supported G.F.V.S.L.F. acknowledges additional funding for the study of the fault rocks along the Ventaniella fault (Grant Number CGL2014-53388-P). The authors thank M. Ruiz, J. M. Gonzalez-Cortina, M. J. Dominguez-Cuesta, and J. L. Alonso for their feedback at different stages during the development of this research. The authors also appreciate the comments by two reviewers and the Editor in Chief Thomas L. Pratt, which helped to substantially improve the article.
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