The Future of Polar Organometallic Chemistry Written in Bio-Based Solvents and Water
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University of Bari [Perna01333214Ricat, Capriati005057Prin15]; Interuniversity Consortium C.I.N.M.P.I.S. [COCM8470P0]; EPSRC [EP/N011384/1]; MINECO of Spain [CTQ2014-51912-REDC, CTQ2016-75986-P]; Gobierno del Principado de Asturias [GRUPIN14-006]; Fundacion BBVA
This work was financially supported by the University of Bari (award number: Perna01333214Ricat; Capriati005057Prin15), the Interuniversity Consortium C.I.N.M.P.I.S. (project code: COCM8470P0), by the EPSRC (grant number EP/N011384/1), the MINECO of Spain (Projects CTQ2014-51912-REDC and CTQ2016-75986-P), the Gobierno del Principado de Asturias (Project GRUPIN14-006) and the Fundación BBVA (for the award of a “Beca Leonardo a Investigadores y Creadores Cul-turales 2017” to J.G.-A.).[50] Professor Dieter Seebach (ETH Uni- versity) is also gratefully acknowledged for enlightening discussions.
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