ChIP-Seq reveals that QsMYB1 directly targets genes involved in lignin and suberin biosynthesis pathways in cork oak (Quercus suber)
Autor(es) y otros:
Fecha de publicación:
Versión del editor:
BMC Plant Biology, 18(1), p. 198- (2018); doi:10.1186/s12870-018-1403-5
Descripción física:
p. 198-
Patrocinado por:
TC and VI were supported by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) through the PhD grants SFRH/BD/69785/2010, and SFRH/BD/85879/2012. Funding for TC was also provided through FCT under the Project UID/AGR/00115/2013 to ICAAM. Funding for PB, AU and AMR was provided by project IF/01015/2013/CP1209/CT0001 and FCT project UID/AGR/00115/2013. This work was also supported by Program Alentejo 2020, through the European Fund for Regional Development under the scope of LENTIDEV – A molecular approach to cork porosity (REF: ALT20-03-0145-FEDER-000020). These funding bodies played no role in this study’s design, collection, analysis, interpretation of data, or writing of the manuscript.
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