The Salave Mine, a Variscan intrusion-related gold deposit (IRGD) in the NW of Spain: Geological context, hydrothermal alterations and ore features
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The authors would like to express their thanks for the financial support given by the MINECO project CGL2016-76532-R (The Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness). We are grateful to Miguel A. Fernandez-Gonzalez at SCT of the University of Oviedo, who provided valuable assistance in the technical aspects of EPMA trace-element analysis and imaging. We are grateful to reviewers Serguei Solovie and Michel Jebrak for their constructive comments and suggestions that greatly increase the clarity and quality of the paper and to G. Corretge and Andres Paniagua for their help with granites and fluid inclusions. We also wish to express our thanks to Editor M.S. Landing for his helpful suggestions for improving the quality and clarity of the manuscript. We also thank John Hardwick for his help in the careful English reviewing of the paper.
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