Phase-only Synthesis Algorithm for Transmitarrays and Dielectric Lenses
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Fecha de publicación:
The applied Computing Electromagnetics Society
Descripción física:
In this work a phase-only synthesis algorithm is applied for the design of lens-array antennas yielding a desired radiation pattern. The potential relevance of spillover effect on the lens radiation pattern is illustrated, making it necessary to include it in the lens model and to take it into account in the synthesis algorithm. Thus, both the contribution of the lens and the spillover radiation are jointly modeled as a planar array. Moreover, in order to validate the algorithm, it has been applied to the synthesis of pixelated dielectric lenses, which have been simulated using a commercial software. Simulations show good agreement with the algorithm results, validating its use for this type of lenses.
In this work a phase-only synthesis algorithm is applied for the design of lens-array antennas yielding a desired radiation pattern. The potential relevance of spillover effect on the lens radiation pattern is illustrated, making it necessary to include it in the lens model and to take it into account in the synthesis algorithm. Thus, both the contribution of the lens and the spillover radiation are jointly modeled as a planar array. Moreover, in order to validate the algorithm, it has been applied to the synthesis of pixelated dielectric lenses, which have been simulated using a commercial software. Simulations show good agreement with the algorithm results, validating its use for this type of lenses.
Patrocinado por:
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, under project TEC2017-86619-R (ARTEINE), and by the Gobierno del Principado de Asturias / FEDER under project GRUPIN14-114.
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