Numerical investigation of truck aerodynamics on several classes of infrastructures
Cross wind
Heavy vehicles aerodynamics
Large Eddy Simulation (LES)
Finite Volume Method (FVM)
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
Publication date:
Techno-Press, Ltd.
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Descripción física:
This paper describes the effect of different testing parameters (configuration of infrastructure and truck position on road) on truck aerodynamic coefficients under cross wind conditions, by means of a numerical approach known as Large Eddy Simulation (LES). In order to estimate the air flow behaviour around both the infrastructure and the truck, the filtered continuity and momentum equations along with the Smagorinsky–Lilly model were solved. A solution for these non-linear equations was approached through the finite volume method (FVM) and using temporal and spatial discretization schemes. As for the results, the aerodynamic coefficients acting on the truck model exhibited nearly constant values regardless of the Reynolds number. The flat ground is the infrastructure where the rollover coefficient acting on the truck model showed lowest values under cross wind conditions (yaw angle of 90º), while the worst infrastructure studied for vehicle stability was an embankment with downward-slope on the leeward side. The position of the truck on the road and the value of embankment slope angle that minimizes the rollover coefficient were determined by successfully applying the Response Surface Methodology.
This paper describes the effect of different testing parameters (configuration of infrastructure and truck position on road) on truck aerodynamic coefficients under cross wind conditions, by means of a numerical approach known as Large Eddy Simulation (LES). In order to estimate the air flow behaviour around both the infrastructure and the truck, the filtered continuity and momentum equations along with the Smagorinsky–Lilly model were solved. A solution for these non-linear equations was approached through the finite volume method (FVM) and using temporal and spatial discretization schemes. As for the results, the aerodynamic coefficients acting on the truck model exhibited nearly constant values regardless of the Reynolds number. The flat ground is the infrastructure where the rollover coefficient acting on the truck model showed lowest values under cross wind conditions (yaw angle of 90º), while the worst infrastructure studied for vehicle stability was an embankment with downward-slope on the leeward side. The position of the truck on the road and the value of embankment slope angle that minimizes the rollover coefficient were determined by successfully applying the Response Surface Methodology.
Patrocinado por:
This work was supported by the OASIS Research Project, that was co-financed by the CDTI under the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness) and developed by 16 Spanish companies: Iridium, OHL Concesiones, Abertis, Sice, Indra, Dragados, OHL, Geocisa, GMV, Asfaltos Augusta, Hidrofersa, Eipsa, PyG, CPS, AEC and Torre de Comares Arquitectos S.L; and 16 research centres. The authors would also like to thank the GICONSIME research group of the University of Oviedo (Spain) for their collaboration in this research. The authors also acknowledge the partial funding with FEDER funds under the Research Project FC-15-GRUPIN14-004.
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