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Novel method for holocellulose analysis of non-woody biomass wastes

dc.contributor.authorÁlvarez Rodríguez, Ana 
dc.contributor.authorCachero, Sofía
dc.contributor.authorGonzález Sánchez, Carlos 
dc.contributor.authorMontejo Bernardo, José Manuel 
dc.contributor.authorPizarro García, Consuelo 
dc.contributor.authorBueno de Las Heras, Julio Luis
dc.identifier.citationCarbohydrate Polymers, 189, p. 250-256 (2018); doi:10.1016/j.carbpol.2018.02.043
dc.description.abstractCompositional analysis of non-woody biomass is quite important to determine its possible applications. However, current standard methods developed for woody biomass compositional analysis have been revealed to be unsuitable when applied to non-woody biomass. Therefore, a novel and less-time consuming modified method which enables for a proper isolation of holocellulose in non-woody biomass samples while increasing lignin degradation has been developed. The novel method mainly consists in a treatment with sodium chlorite and glacial acetic acid at boiling point, which precludes changes in the holocellulose crystallinity degree or losses of carbohydrates, as shown by DSC, XRPD, and HPLC analysis. It was successfully applied to the determination of the structural components of 10 different non-woody biomass samples. Also, its use revealed that non-woody biomass belongs to LHC and LCH groups in the biomass structural composition ternary diagram, which are completely different than the ones the woody biomass belongs tospa
dc.description.sponsorshipMinisterio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (MINECO-13-CTQ2013-45155-R; Consejería de Economía y Empleo del Principado de Asturias (FC-15-GRUPIN14-095); Programa Severo Ochoa de ayudas predoctorales (PA-13-PF-BP13058)spa
dc.format.extentp. 250-256spa
dc.relation.ispartofCarbohydrate Polymers, 189spa
dc.rights© 2018 Elsevier
dc.rightsCC Reconocimiento - No comercial - Sin obras derivadas 4.0 Internacional
dc.subjectNon-woody biomassspa
dc.subjectCompositional analysisspa
dc.subjectBiomass ternary diagramspa
dc.subjectCrystallinity indexspa
dc.titleNovel method for holocellulose analysis of non-woody biomass wastesspa
dc.typejournal articlespa
dc.relation.projectIDPrincipado de Asturias/FC-15-GRUPIN14-095
dc.rights.accessRightsopen accessspa

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