Conventional and real time RT-PCR assays for the detection and differentiation of variant rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus (RHDVb) and its recombinants
Autor(es) y otros:
Fecha de publicación:
Versión del editor:
Journal of Virological Methods, 251, p. 118-122 (2018); doi:10.1016/j.jviromet.2017.10.009
Descripción física:
p. 118-122
Patrocinado por:
We thank INTERCUN, the Instituto Nacional de Investigación yTecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA) (grant CUN2014-00007-00-00) and Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (grantAGL2013-48550-C2-1-R co-financed by FEDER) for the logistical andfinancial support provided and project FC-15-GRUPIN14-099 by thePrincipado de Asturias. Prof. Parrás laboratory also acknowledge thetechnical assistance of I. Nicieza, D. el Llano, and the sequencing fa-cilities in the Servicios Científicos Técnicos of the University of Oviedo.RHDV type a reference strains Triptis and Erfurt were kindly providedby Prof H. Schirrmeier (Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, Institute ofDiagnostic Virology, Germany.
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