Analysis of the off-diagonal component of giant magnetoimpedance effect in Co-based (as-cast and stress-annealed) amorphous ribbons
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This work was supported by Spanish MINECO under MAT2013-47231-C2-1-P and MAT2017-84950-C2-1-R, by the University of theBasque Country under the scheme of “Ayuda a Grupos Consolidados”(Ref.: PPG17/35), by Asturias Government (Ref. FC-15-GRUPIN14-085), and by Basque Government under Elkartek (RTM 4.0) andHazitek (SIMAM) projects. We acknowledge support from the NationalScience Centre Poland under grant DEC-2016/22/M/ST3/00471. A.C.acknowledges the financial support of the Program of Mobility of theInvestigating Personnel Basque Government MV_2017_1_0003. Theauthors thank for technical and human support provided by SGIker ofUPV/EHU (Medidas Magneticas Gipuzkoa) and European funding(ERDF and ESF). A. Zh. and V.Zh. wish to acknowledge support of the Basque Government under Program of Mobility of the InvestigatingPersonnel (grants MV-2017-1-0025 and MV-2017-1-0030 respectively)
- Artículos [36888]