An Ultrathin 2-bit Near-Field Transmitarray Lens
Near Field Focusing
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A novel ultra-thin Near-Field 2-bit 24x24-element transmitarray lens working at X-Band is presented in this letter. The aim of this antenna is to focus in a point located in the Near-Field without using any complex feeding network. In order to obtain a planar lens with a very low profile, a 2-bit-design approach is used to diminish the number of layers used in the structure. The simulations have been done using a model based on the concept that the Near-Field of an array can be calculated as the sum of the Far-Field contributions of every single one of its elements. These are considered as plane apertures over which the tangential electric field is constant. In order to validate the results of this model, they are compared with both those obtained with a full-wave commercial software and those from measurements. Thus, a Near-Field-antenna is manufactured and measured showing the measurements good concordance with the results of the model
A novel ultra-thin Near-Field 2-bit 24x24-element transmitarray lens working at X-Band is presented in this letter. The aim of this antenna is to focus in a point located in the Near-Field without using any complex feeding network. In order to obtain a planar lens with a very low profile, a 2-bit-design approach is used to diminish the number of layers used in the structure. The simulations have been done using a model based on the concept that the Near-Field of an array can be calculated as the sum of the Far-Field contributions of every single one of its elements. These are considered as plane apertures over which the tangential electric field is constant. In order to validate the results of this model, they are compared with both those obtained with a full-wave commercial software and those from measurements. Thus, a Near-Field-antenna is manufactured and measured showing the measurements good concordance with the results of the model
Patrocinado por:
MIRIIEM with ref. TEC2014-540005-P of the Ministerio de Econom´ıa y Competitividad and the research project of the Gobierno del Principado de Asturias / FEDER with ref. GRUPIN14-114
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