Kinetics and Mechanistic Insights into the Acetate-Assisted Dimerization of Terminal Alkynes under Ruthenium- and Acid-Promoted (RAP) Catalysis
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MAT2013-40950-R, MINECO, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; MAT2016-78155-C2-1-R, ERDF, European Regional Development Fund
The research was performed under the joint activity IMC-Dipartimento di Chimica. Projects “Sistemi catalitici innovativi per lo sviluppo di processi sostenibili” (CNR_DCM.AD001.212) and Ateneo–La Sapienza 2016 (RM116154C9CFDE3B) are acknowledged for financial support. F.J.-H. thanks the Fundación Séneca (03059/PI/05), Región de Murcia (ES), for a predoctoral fellowship at CNR-IMC. S.G.-G. and R.M.-M. acknowledge the financial support provided by the MINECO, Project MAT2013-40950-R, ERDF funding, and Project MAT2016-78155-C2-1-R″. Dedicated to Prof. Peter Maitlis who inspired me to search for the mechanism of the catalyst action
- Artículos [36429]