Non-local plasticity effects on notch fracture mechanics
Autor(es) y otros:
Fecha de publicación:
Versión del editor:
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 92, p. 276-287 (2017); doi:10.1016/j.tafmec.2017.09.007
Descripción física:
p. 276-287
Patrocinado por:
The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain through grant MAT2014-58738-C3. E. Martinez-Paneda also acknowledges financial support from the People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under REA grant agreement no 609405 (COFUNDPostdocDTU). Javier Segurado (UPM, IMDEA Materials) is acknowledged for helpful discussions relative to the control algorithm.
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