Epitope mapping of histo blood group antigens bound to norovirus VLPs using STD NMR experiments reveals fine details of molecular recognition
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Financial support from the DFG (PE494/8-1 and PE494,12-1 with the research unit FOR2327) is gratefully acknowledged. The authors thank the University of Lubeck and the Alberta Glycomics Centre for financial support. The DFG and the state of Schleswig-Holstein are thanked for a grant for the cryogenic probe (HBFG 101/192-1). FP and KPD were supported by grant GRUPIN14-099 from Principado de Asturias (Spain), cofinanced by FEDER. Prof. Monica Palcic (University of Victoria, BC, Canada) is thanked for a kind gift of the blood group B-trisaccharide. Dr. Alvaro Mallagaray from the University of Lubeck and Dr. Grant Hansman from the DKFZ in Heidelberg are thanked for stimulating discussions. Dr. Thorsten Biet, Thies Kohli, and Wilfried Hellebrandt are thanked for technical assistance.
- Artículos [36923]