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The pep4 gene encoding proteinase A is involved in dimorphism and pathogenesis of Ustilago maydis

dc.contributor.authorSoberanes Gutiérrez, C. V.
dc.contributor.authorJuárez Montiel, Margarita
dc.contributor.authorOlguín Rodríguez, O.
dc.contributor.authorHernández Rodríguez, César Hugo 
dc.contributor.authorRuiz Herrera, José
dc.contributor.authorVilla Tanaca, María de Lourdes
dc.identifier.citationMolecular Plant Pathology, 16(8), p. 837-846 (2015); doi:10.1111/mpp.12240
dc.description.sponsorshipThe authors thank Michael Feldbrugge (Institute for Microbiology, Cluster of Excellence on Plant Sciences, Heinrich Heine University Dusseldorf, Dusseldorf, Germany) for provision of the PMF1-h, pMF5-1h and pMF5-2h plasmids, Melissa Vasquez-Carrada (Departamento de Microbiologia, Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biologicas-Instituto Politecnico Nacional, D.F., Mexico) for her help with Southern blot analysis and Antonio Cisneros (Centro de Investigacion y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN, Irapuato, Mexico) for maize photographs. CVS-G is a doctorate student recipient of fellowships from Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia (CONACyT) and Beca de Estimulo Institucional de Formacion de Investigadores (BEIFI-IPN). LV-T and CH-R received support from Comision de Operacion y Fomento de Actividades Academicas del Instituto Politecnico Nacional (COFAA-IPN) and Estimulo al Desempeno de los Investigadores (EDI-IPN), as well as grants from Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnologia del DF (ICyT-DF) (PICSO10-95, 254/10) and CONACyT (208247, SIP-IPN, 20131171, 20141333 and 20150981). JR-H is Emeritus National Investigator, Mexico.
dc.format.extentp. 837-846
dc.publisherBlackwell Publishing Ltd
dc.relation.ispartofMolecular Plant Pathology
dc.rights© 2015 BSPP and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
dc.titleThe pep4 gene encoding proteinase A is involved in dimorphism and pathogenesis of Ustilago maydiseng
dc.typejournal article
dc.relation.projectIDICyT-DF / PICSO10-95 254/10
dc.relation.projectIDCONACyT / 208247
dc.relation.projectIDCONACyT (SIP-IPN) / 20131171
dc.relation.projectIDCONACyT (SIP-IPN) / 20141333
dc.relation.projectIDCONACyT (SIP-IPN) / 20150981

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