Interspecific barriers between salmonids when hybridisation is due to sneak mating
Publication date:
Nature Publishing Group
Publisher version:
Heredity, 89(4), p. 288-292 (2002); doi:10.1038/sj.hdy.6800134
Descripción física:
p. 288-292
Patrocinado por:
We are indebted to Stephan Glise (INRA, St Pee sur Nivelle, France) and to the Nivelle Fishermen Association and INRA staff, from France, for collaborating in sampling tasks. Dr Francis Juanes (University of Massachusetts) kindly revised the manuscript. This work was finantially supported by the Spanish DGICYT HF1997-0215, DGICYT PB98-1570, and by the French INRA-Region Aquitaine contract 940308004 and Integrated Action 93187.
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