Interspecific hybridization in pilot whales and asymmetric genetic introgression in northern globicephala melas under the scenario of global warming
Autor(es) y otros:
Fecha de publicación:
Versión del editor:
Plos One, 11(8), p. 1-15 (2016); doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0160080
Descripción física:
p. 1-15
Patrocinado por:
We want to thank B. Mikkelsen from the Feroese Museum of Natural History for the Feroese samples; S. Lens from IEO Vigo, A. Rodriguez-Folgar from GREMMAR and C. Fernandez Maldonado from Agencia de Medio Ambiente y Agua de la Junta de Andalucía for the Iberian Peninsula samples; M. Carrillo from Canarias Conservación for the Canary Island samples, A. Benet, M. Poole and S. Baker for the Polynesian samples, and project MAPCET-M2.1.2/F/012/ 2011 [FEDER, the Competitiveness Factors Operational (COMPETE), QREN European Social Fund, and Proconvergencia Açores/EU Program] for Azorean samples. This is a contribution of the Marine Observatory of Asturias (OMA). The authors declare that none of the authors have any competing interests
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