An improved technique for profile reconstruction of PEC bodies
Autor(es) y otros:
Palabra(s) clave:
Inverse scattering
Evolutionary algorithms
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Descripción física:
This contribution describes an improved technique for model-based profile reconstruction of PEC objects. The technique takes advantage of the fact that the illuminated part of the OUT is, in general, accurately reconstructed when considering independent incident angles. The knowledge of the illuminated part is used to weight the reconstructed profile for each incidence. A comparison with the extended methodology that takes into account all the incident angles simultaneously is presented, proving that the proposed technique provides faster convergence to an accurate recovery of the OUT
This contribution describes an improved technique for model-based profile reconstruction of PEC objects. The technique takes advantage of the fact that the illuminated part of the OUT is, in general, accurately reconstructed when considering independent incident angles. The knowledge of the illuminated part is used to weight the reconstructed profile for each incidence. A comparison with the extended methodology that takes into account all the incident angles simultaneously is presented, proving that the proposed technique provides faster convergence to an accurate recovery of the OUT
Patrocinado por:
“Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad” of Spain/FEDER TEC2014-54005-P (MIRIIEM); “Gobierno del Principado de Asturias” GRUPIN14-114
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