Tu casa es tu clase: el “aula invertida” en física y química
Other title:
Your home is your classroom: flipped classroom in physics and chemistry
Flipped classroom
Publication date:
Máster Universitario en Formación del Profesorado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, Bachillerato y Formación Profesional
Descripción física:
This work represents the culmination of the Master in Teacher Training, Secondary Education and Vocational Training I have done at the University of Oviedo from September 2015 to June 2016, in which I will try to develop into three distinct blocks the Practicum critical analysis and various subjects given in this Master (part I), the development of an educational program for a course of 1st of bachelor under current legislation (part II), and leaving for the last part and after doing Practicum, therefore with some experience of the reality that happens in secondary school, high school and vocational training in Spain today, a proposal for the improvement and innovation to be applied in the subject of Physics and Chemistry of 1st of bachelor (Part III), based on the ‘flipped classroom’ teaching methodology.
This work represents the culmination of the Master in Teacher Training, Secondary Education and Vocational Training I have done at the University of Oviedo from September 2015 to June 2016, in which I will try to develop into three distinct blocks the Practicum critical analysis and various subjects given in this Master (part I), the development of an educational program for a course of 1st of bachelor under current legislation (part II), and leaving for the last part and after doing Practicum, therefore with some experience of the reality that happens in secondary school, high school and vocational training in Spain today, a proposal for the improvement and innovation to be applied in the subject of Physics and Chemistry of 1st of bachelor (Part III), based on the ‘flipped classroom’ teaching methodology.
Este trabajo supone el colofón al Máster en Formación del Profesorado de Secundaria, Bachillerato y Formación Profesional que he realizado en la Universidad de Oviedo desde septiembre de 2015 a junio de 2016, en el cual trataré de desarrollar en tres bloques bien diferenciados, tanto el análisis crítico del Practicum y las diversas asignaturas dadas en este Máster (Parte I), como el desarrollo de una programación didáctica para un curso de 1º de bachillerato, según la legislación vigente (Parte II), dejando para la última parte y después de haber realizado el Practicum, por lo tanto con una cierta experiencia de la realidad que acontece en los centros de secundaria, bachillerato y formación profesional de España hoy en día, una propuesta de mejora e innovación a aplicar en la asignatura de Física y Química de 1º de bachillerato (Parte III) basada en la metodología didáctica “aula invertida” o flipped classroom.
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