The Asturian Basin within the North Iberian margin (Bay of Biscay): Seismic characterisation of its geometry and its Mesozoic and Cenozoic cover
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Basin Research, p. 1-21 (2016); doi:10.1111/bre.12187
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This study has been financed by the Ministry of Scienceand Innovation of Spain through the Projects MARCAS:CTM2009-11522, and MISTERIOS: MINECO13-CGL2013-48601-C2-2-R. P. Cadenas holds a “Severo Ochoa” Ph.D grant from the Education Council of Asturias. Fruitful discussions with L. Quintana and J.A. Pulgarimproved the study. We thank I. Thinon for a thoughtfulreview that improved the early version of the manuscript. An anonymous reviewer and Editor S. Castelltort alsoprovided useful comments.
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