Los verbos con prefixu a- n'asturianu
Semántica léxica
verbos prefixaos
Lexical Semantics
Prefixed verbs.
Publication date:
Academia de la Llingua Asturiana
Descripción física:
Nesti trabayu estúdiense los verbos derivaos per aciu del prefixu a- n’asturianu. Clasifíquense según sía’l so orixe, a partir d’axetivos y nomes (son los llamaos verbos parasintéticos), o a partir d’otros verbos; y analícense los posibles significaos apurríos pol prefixu. L’estudiu conclúi que’l prefixu, amás de los significaos que se constaten nos trabayos previos sobre los verbos prefixaos nes llingües romániques (cambéu d’estáu y de localización), apurre otros significaos (aspectual ya intensivu) bien asemeyaos a los que desenvolvió’l prefixu AD- en llatín.--In this paper we will study Asturian derived verbs using the prefix a -. They are classified as originating from adjectives and nouns (the so-called parasynthetic verbs) or from verbal forms, and the possible meanings provided by the prefix will be analyzed. The study concludes that the prefix, in addition to the meanings ascertained in previous studies on prefixed verbs in the Romance languages (change of state, and location), brings other meanings (aspectual and intensive) very similar to those developed by the prefix ad - in Latin
Nesti trabayu estúdiense los verbos derivaos per aciu del prefixu a- n’asturianu. Clasifíquense según sía’l so orixe, a partir d’axetivos y nomes (son los llamaos verbos parasintéticos), o a partir d’otros verbos; y analícense los posibles significaos apurríos pol prefixu. L’estudiu conclúi que’l prefixu, amás de los significaos que se constaten nos trabayos previos sobre los verbos prefixaos nes llingües romániques (cambéu d’estáu y de localización), apurre otros significaos (aspectual ya intensivu) bien asemeyaos a los que desenvolvió’l prefixu AD- en llatín.--In this paper we will study Asturian derived verbs using the prefix a -. They are classified as originating from adjectives and nouns (the so-called parasynthetic verbs) or from verbal forms, and the possible meanings provided by the prefix will be analyzed. The study concludes that the prefix, in addition to the meanings ascertained in previous studies on prefixed verbs in the Romance languages (change of state, and location), brings other meanings (aspectual and intensive) very similar to those developed by the prefix ad - in Latin
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