Soil thermal buffer and regeneration niche may favour calcareous fen resilience to climate change
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E.F.P. was supported by the Government of Asturias (Grant BP09-107, Programa de Ayudas Predoctorales ‘Severo Ochoa’, Plan de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación del Principado de Asturias) and the FP7-Marie-CurieCOFUND programme of the European Commission (Grant ‘Clarín’ A14-19); B.J.A. by the project ‘Employment of Best Young Scientists for International Cooperation Empowerment’ (CZ.1.07/ 2.3.00/30.0037) co-financed by the European Social Fund and the state budget of the Czech Republic; M.H. by the Czech Science Foundation (Centre of Excellence PLADIAS, project no. 14-36079G). The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew receives grant-in-aid from Defra Permission for field work was granted by the governments of Asturias and Castile-Leon. Experiments complied with the laws of the countries where they were conducted
- Artículos [36912]