Relating Hyperspectral Airborne Data to Ground Measurements in a Complex and Discontinuous Canopy
Palabra(s) clave:
hyperspectral remote sensing
reflectance field spectrometry
Fecha de publicación:
De Gruyter
Versión del editor:
Descripción física:
The work described in this paper is aimed at validating hyperspectral airborne reflectance data collected during the Regional Experiments For Land-atmosphere EXchanges (REFLEX) campaign. Ground reflectance data measured in a vineyard were compared with airborne reflectance data. A sampling strategy and subsequent ground data processing had to be devised so as to capture a representative spectral sample of this complex crop. A linear model between airborne and ground data was tried and statistically tested. Results reveal a sound correspondence between ground and airborne reflectance data (R2 > 0.97), validating the atmospheric correction of the latter.
The work described in this paper is aimed at validating hyperspectral airborne reflectance data collected during the Regional Experiments For Land-atmosphere EXchanges (REFLEX) campaign. Ground reflectance data measured in a vineyard were compared with airborne reflectance data. A sampling strategy and subsequent ground data processing had to be devised so as to capture a representative spectral sample of this complex crop. A linear model between airborne and ground data was tried and statistically tested. Results reveal a sound correspondence between ground and airborne reflectance data (R2 > 0.97), validating the atmospheric correction of the latter.
Patrocinado por:
The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s 7th Framework Programme (FP7/2008-2013) under EUFAR contract No. 227159, Cost Action ES0903-EUROSPEC and ESA Grant D/EOP/rp/2012/48”.
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