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Revisión y propuesta de clasificación de corpus

dc.contributor.authorFaya Ornia, María Goretti
dc.identifier.citationBabel, 60, n. 2, p. 234–252 (2014); doi:10.1075/babel.60.2.06fay
dc.description.abstractIn this article we first focus on some of the most important classification systems of linguistic corpora and discuss both the strengths and weaknesses. We pay close attention to the work of Sara Laviosa (1997), Joan Torruella y Joaquim Llisterri (1999), Gloria Corpas Pastor (2001) and Sylviane Granger (2003), not forgetting the contributions by Mona Baker (1995), Stig Johansson (1998 and 2003), Rosa Rabadán y Purificación Fernández Nistal (2002), Maeve Olohan (2004) and Paul Baker (2006). However, despite great advantage of all previous work, our study identified gaps for which we would respectfully suggest some solutions. Finally, we present our classification system in which we attempt to reflect clearly the hierarchical relationships that exist between different types of corpora. The ultimate goal is to offer a wide, comprehensive and flexible classification, which can be easily adapted to the needs of each research work and meet the requirements of linguistic corpora analysis, particularly in the field of Applied Linguistics and Translation
dc.format.extentp. 234-252spa
dc.publisherJohn Benjamins Publishing Company
dc.subjectTypes of corporaspa
dc.subjectHierarchy of corporaionships between corpora; classification of corporspa
dc.subjectLinguistic corporaspa
dc.subjectRelationships between corporaspa
dc.subjectClassification of corporaspa
dc.titleRevisión y propuesta de clasificación de corpusspa
dc.title.alternativeReview and proposed classification of corpuseng
dc.typejournal article

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