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Effect of sludge age on the digestion of the liquor obtained after endogenous enzymatic hydrolysis

dc.contributor.authorMarañón Maison, María Elena 
dc.contributor.authorNegral Álvarez, Luis 
dc.contributor.authorFernández Nava, Yolanda 
dc.contributor.authorCastrillón Peláez, Leonor 
dc.contributor.authorOrmaechea Menéndez, Pedro
dc.description4th European Conference on Sludge Management 26th-27th May 2014, Izmir (Turkey)spa
dc.description.abstractInverted Phase Fermentation is a method for thickening sewage sludge that results in a clarified phase beneath a thickened fraction. An increased hydrolysis rate is obtained in both phases. The liquid phase or liquor was digested in UASB reactors. The optimum methane yield was obtained for hydraulic retention time of 1 day (0.32 m3 CH4/kg VS, 2.31 m3 CH4/m3reactor day). When this liquor was co-digested with 1% (v/v) crude glycerin, the optimum methane yield was obtained when operating at hydraulic retention time of 2 days (0.67 m3 CH4/kg VS, 2.76 m3CH4/m3reactor day). Co-digestion of the liquor with crude glycerin not only improved specific methane yield, but also organic matter biodegradation (up to 89% total COD and up to 76% VS removal).spa
dc.description.sponsorshipEuropean Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7-ENV.2010.3.1.1-2 ENV) under Grant Agreement no. 265269. Project: END-O-SLUDGspa
dc.rightsCC Reconocimiento - No comercial - Sin obras derivadas
dc.subjectEnzymatic pretreatmentspa
dc.subjectInverted phase fermentationspa
dc.subjectMethane productionspa
dc.subjectSludge agespa
dc.titleEffect of sludge age on the digestion of the liquor obtained after endogenous enzymatic hydrolysisspa
dc.typeconference outputspa
dc.rights.accessRightsopen access

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