N=2 Einstein-Yang-Mills' static two-center solutions
High Energy Physics
Física Teórica de Altas Energías
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Publisher version:
We construct bona fide one- and two-center supersymmetric solutions to N=2, d=4 supergravity coupled to SU(2) non-Abelian vector multiplets. The solutions describe black holes and global monopoles alone or in equilibrium with each other and exhibit non-Abelian hairs of different kinds.
We construct bona fide one- and two-center supersymmetric solutions to N=2, d=4 supergravity coupled to SU(2) non-Abelian vector multiplets. The solutions describe black holes and global monopoles alone or in equilibrium with each other and exhibit non-Abelian hairs of different kinds.
46 pages, 1 figure
Patrocinado por:
Spanish Ministry of Science and Education grant FPA2012-35043-C02 (-01 & -02), the Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa Program grant SEV-2012-0249, the Comunidad de Madrid grant HEPHACOS S2009ESP-1473 and the Spanish Consolider-Ingenio 2010 program CPAN CSD2007-00042 and EU-COST action MP1210 The String Theory Universe
- Artículos [36890]
- Física [1974]
- Investigaciones y Documentos OpenAIRE [8131]
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