Exotic birds increase generalization and compensate for native bird decline in plant-frugivore assemblages
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British Ecologycal Society
Versión del editor:
Journal of Animal Ecology (2014); doi:10.1111/1365-2656.12237
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We thank Juan Rodrıguez, Diego O. Pastene and Javier Rodrıguez for technical support, and Kevin C. Burns and Rocıo C. Jana for logistical help. K. C. Burns and one anonymous reviewer provided helpful suggestions to improve the manuscript. The Department of Conservation of New Zealand provided the permission to conduct field work. Funding was provided by MinECo grants PRI-AIBNZ2011-0863 and CGL2011-2843 to DG, Royal Society of New Zealand grantIMF-SPN12-28 to DBS, and MinECo-European Social Fund grant FPI-BES2009-25093 to DM. DBS and JMT were also supported, respectively, by a Marsden Fund Fast-Start grant UOC-1101, and a Rutherford Discovery Fellowship, both administered by the Royal Society of New Zealand
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