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Aplicaciones de la estereología en Psicobiología (II) : la precisión de las estimaciones

dc.contributor.authorBegega Losa, María Azucena 
dc.contributor.authorMiranda García, Rubén 
dc.contributor.authorRubio Fernández, Sandra 
dc.contributor.authorSantín Núñez, Luis Javier
dc.contributor.authorArias Pérez, Jorge Luis
dc.identifier.citationREMA, 5(1), P. 25-34 (2000)
dc.description.abstractThe applications of the stereology in Neuroscience have been improved by the recent advances in the precision of stereological estimates. Here we make a comparision between two methods of estimating the coefficients of error. The new formula described by Cruz-Orive (1999) incorporate the local or “nugget” effect in addition to the error due to the sections. The estimations derived from this formula are more precise in comparision with the previous formula described by Gundersen and Jensen (1987).spa
dc.publisherUniversidad de Oviedo, Facultad de Psicología
dc.relation.ispartofREMA, 5(1)spa
dc.rights(C) Universidad de Oviedo
dc.rightsCC Reconocimiento - No comercial - Sin obras derivadas 4.0 Internacional
dc.titleAplicaciones de la estereología en Psicobiología (II) : la precisión de las estimacionesspa
dc.typejournal article
dc.rights.accessRightsopen access

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