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Evolución clínica tras el tratamiento trombolítico intravenoso con activador del plasminógeno tisular recombinante en el ictus isquémico. Factores pronósticos

dc.contributor.advisorHernández Lahoz, Carlos 
dc.contributor.advisorLópez Muñiz, Alfonso Joaquín 
dc.contributor.authorGonzález Delgado, Montserrat 
dc.contributor.otherPsicología, Departamento de
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: Intravenous(IV) thrombolysis with recombinant tisular plasminogen activator (rt-PA) is the only approved treatment for the acute ischemic stroke. The cinical evolution after this treatment could be variable. Patients(Method: Theaim of this study was to analyze the different clinical evolutions in patients 48 hours after IV thrombolysis trying to identify prognostic factors. We took four groups: patients remaining stable after treatment, without clinical changes or changes less than 4 points NIHSS (group I); patients with clinical improvement, or decrease >- 4 pints NIHSS (group 2); patients with clinical worsening, or increase >- 4 points in the NIHSS (group 3); and patients with worsening after initial improvement, or initial decrease >- 4 points NIHSS and posterior worsening>- 4 points NIHSS. We analyzed previous cerebrovascular risk factors (smoking, artrial hypertension, hyperlipemia cardiopathy…): admission parmeters (glycemia, blood pressure…); neuroimaging (basa CT, angio-CT and perfusion-CT) at admission and worsening: and clinical and functional status (NIHSS, Bl and mRS). Results/Conclusions: Beween January 2000- october 2005, 136 patients fulfilled crieria to IV thrombolysis (57 females, 79 males): 11,8% (group 1), 67% (group 2), 13% (group 3) and 8% (group 4). Of the patients with initial improvement, 10,8% had posterior worsening. The mechanism of stroke (TOAST criteria) was: 18% large vessel, 3% small vessel, 48% cardioembolic, 15% another actiology and 19% undetermined. Female sex, peripheral vascular disease and no hyperlipemia were associated at group 3. Tobacco and no valvulopathy were associated at group 2. No occlusion in the admission angio-TC and penumbra > core in the admission perfusion-CT were associated with better prognostic. Nevertheless 25% patients with penumbra> core had worsening after initial improvement. Persistent oclusion in angio-TC was associated with group 3. Causes of worsening were symptomatic intracranial haemorrhage (sICH) (mortality RR igual 30), intracranial oedema (mortality RR igual 29) and reoclusion/new (mortality RR igual 4). Patients with sICH had a mortality RR igual 9,6.In comparison to group 2, group 3 patients had a mortality RR igual 43,6, and group 4 had a mortality RR igual 14,7.
dc.format.extent219 p.
dc.titleEvolución clínica tras el tratamiento trombolítico intravenoso con activador del plasminógeno tisular recombinante en el ictus isquémico. Factores pronósticos
dc.typedoctoral thesisspa
dc.local.notesTesis 2008-083

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