An inverse fast multipole method for imaging applications
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An inverse fast multipole method (FMM) for imaging applications is presented. The goal is the acceleration of an inverse source-based method for geometry reconstruction achieved by taking advantage of the multipole expansion properties of the scattered fields and reconstructed equivalent currents. By conjugating the FMM terms, it is possible to recover the equivalent currents from the scattered fields in just one step rather than using matrix inversion or cost function minimization. For the sake of simplicity, 2-D problems where the objects under test having symmetry along one dimension are considered
An inverse fast multipole method (FMM) for imaging applications is presented. The goal is the acceleration of an inverse source-based method for geometry reconstruction achieved by taking advantage of the multipole expansion properties of the scattered fields and reconstructed equivalent currents. By conjugating the FMM terms, it is possible to recover the equivalent currents from the scattered fields in just one step rather than using matrix inversion or cost function minimization. For the sake of simplicity, 2-D problems where the objects under test having symmetry along one dimension are considered
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This work was supported by CenSSIS, the Gordon Center for Subsurface Sensing and Imaging Systems NSF ERC Program under Award EEC-9986821; the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of Spain/FEDER under Projects TEC2008-01638/TEC (INVEMTA), CONSOLIDER-INGENIO CSD2008-00068 (TERASENSE), and TEC2011-24492/TEC (iSCAT); PCTI Asturias under Projects EQUIP08-06, FC09-COF09-12, EQUIP10-31, and PC10-06 (FLEXANT); and the CÁtedra Telefónica—Universidad de Oviedo. This material is based upon work supported by the Science and Technology Directorate, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, under Award 2008-ST-061-ED0001
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