Data from research paper: Memory effects on the current induced propagation of spin textures in NdCo5/Ni8Fe2 bilayers
Magnetic textures
Pulsed current experiment
Magnetic transmission X ray microscopy
Micromagnetic simulations
Publication date:
Universidad de Oviedo
Data files including Transmission X-ray Microscopy data and micromagnetic simulations from NdCo5/Py bilayer as described in the research paper "Memory effects on the current induced propagation of spin textures in NdCo5/Ni8Fe2 bilayers” Physical Review Applied by V.V.Fernandez et al.
Data files including Transmission X-ray Microscopy data and micromagnetic simulations from NdCo5/Py bilayer as described in the research paper "Memory effects on the current induced propagation of spin textures in NdCo5/Ni8Fe2 bilayers” Physical Review Applied by V.V.Fernandez et al.
Patrocinado por:
V. V. F. and A. E. H.-A acknowledge the support from the Severo Ochoa Predoctoral Fellowship Program (nos.PA-22-BP21-124, PA-23-BP22-093, respectively). The ALBA Synchrotron is funded by the Ministry of Research and Innovation of Spain, by the Generalitat de Catalunya and by European FEDER funds. This work has been supported by Spanish MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/FEDER,UE under grant PID2022-136784NB and by the ALBA in house research program.