Black holes. Theory and construction
Otros títulos:
Agujeros negros. Teoría y construcción
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Máster Universitario en Física Avanzada: Partículas, Astrofísica, Nanofísica y Materiales Cuánticos
Descripción física:
General relativity (GR), formulated by Albert Einstein in 1915, revolutionized our understanding of gravity by describing it as the curvature of spacetime caused by mass and energy, replacing the New-tonian concept of gravity as a force between masses with a geometric interpretation: massive objects cause spacetime to curve, and this curvature dictates the motion of objects. One of the most fascinating predictions of GR is the existence of black holes (BH), regions of space-time where the gravitational field is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape. The properties of the BH, namely charge, mass and spin, give rise to different conditions which we will analyze and review. The study of such phenomena has provided deep insights into the nature of gravity, quan-tum mechanics, and thermodynamics, prompting profound questions about the fundamental nature of spacetime, information, and the ultimate fate of matter. While GR successfully describes the macroscopic behavior of gravity, it does not integrate well with the principles of quantum mechanics that govern the other fundamental forces of nature. This lim-itation has driven physicists to search for a more comprehensive theory that can unify gravity with the other forces. That theory is supergravity, which extends GR by incorporating the principles of supersymmetry.
General relativity (GR), formulated by Albert Einstein in 1915, revolutionized our understanding of gravity by describing it as the curvature of spacetime caused by mass and energy, replacing the New-tonian concept of gravity as a force between masses with a geometric interpretation: massive objects cause spacetime to curve, and this curvature dictates the motion of objects. One of the most fascinating predictions of GR is the existence of black holes (BH), regions of space-time where the gravitational field is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape. The properties of the BH, namely charge, mass and spin, give rise to different conditions which we will analyze and review. The study of such phenomena has provided deep insights into the nature of gravity, quan-tum mechanics, and thermodynamics, prompting profound questions about the fundamental nature of spacetime, information, and the ultimate fate of matter. While GR successfully describes the macroscopic behavior of gravity, it does not integrate well with the principles of quantum mechanics that govern the other fundamental forces of nature. This lim-itation has driven physicists to search for a more comprehensive theory that can unify gravity with the other forces. That theory is supergravity, which extends GR by incorporating the principles of supersymmetry.
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