Sistema de operación para redes eléctricas de distribución terminales
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Máster Universitario en Conversión de Energía Eléctrica y Sistemas de Potencia
Descripción física:
The electric distribution utilities are facing a change of paradigm in the recent years. This change is being caused by the increase of energy consumption, inclusion of new renewable technologies in the grid and the appearance of electric vehicles and storage systems in the customers end. To adapt the distribution grid to this new scenario, utilities implemented new measurement technologies that allow them to monitor the grid. However, the high data volume generated by the grid, as well as the complex structure of the grid make the classical computational techniques not appropriated for the data management of low voltage networks. In this thesis, it is developed a graph based approach for the grid’s data storage and processing for the real time operation of an european type low voltage network. The proposed solution is developed for the terminal low voltage grid of EDP in Asturias. Analysis algorithms that take advantage of the redundancies given by the PLC communications infrastructure are developed and tested with a real scenario dataset.
The electric distribution utilities are facing a change of paradigm in the recent years. This change is being caused by the increase of energy consumption, inclusion of new renewable technologies in the grid and the appearance of electric vehicles and storage systems in the customers end. To adapt the distribution grid to this new scenario, utilities implemented new measurement technologies that allow them to monitor the grid. However, the high data volume generated by the grid, as well as the complex structure of the grid make the classical computational techniques not appropriated for the data management of low voltage networks. In this thesis, it is developed a graph based approach for the grid’s data storage and processing for the real time operation of an european type low voltage network. The proposed solution is developed for the terminal low voltage grid of EDP in Asturias. Analysis algorithms that take advantage of the redundancies given by the PLC communications infrastructure are developed and tested with a real scenario dataset.
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