Teaching experience in the Differential Equations Semi-Virtual Method course of the Tecnológico de Costa Rica
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Fecha de publicación:
Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Oviedo
Descripción física:
In 2018, the Differential Equations course for Engineering students is incorporated into the CEDA-TEC Digital Teaching Vice-Rector’s Project. The main objective of this work is to disclose my teaching experience in the hard labor of planning, implementation, creation of materials and evaluation of the aspects that are carried out and implemented in this course under the semi-virtual modality. Finally, it shows some relevant results obtained in an assessment questionnaire about the course applied to the students.
In 2018, the Differential Equations course for Engineering students is incorporated into the CEDA-TEC Digital Teaching Vice-Rector’s Project. The main objective of this work is to disclose my teaching experience in the hard labor of planning, implementation, creation of materials and evaluation of the aspects that are carried out and implemented in this course under the semi-virtual modality. Finally, it shows some relevant results obtained in an assessment questionnaire about the course applied to the students.
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