What is the humanitarian aid required after tsunami?
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Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Oviedo
Descripción física:
In this work it is illustrated how the urgent computing (UC) capabilities in the tsunami natural hazard framework are strengthening the monitoring and analysis functions of the European Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC) and its Situational Awareness Sector (SAS) by helping to design the multi-hazard advice service at global level and on a 24/7 operational basis. In this context, the ARISTOTLE-eENHSP project (All Risk Integrated System TOwards Trans-boundary hoListic Early-warning - enhanced European Natural Hazards Scientific Partnership) has been designed to offer a flexible and scalable system that can provide new hazard-related services to the ERCC.
In this work it is illustrated how the urgent computing (UC) capabilities in the tsunami natural hazard framework are strengthening the monitoring and analysis functions of the European Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC) and its Situational Awareness Sector (SAS) by helping to design the multi-hazard advice service at global level and on a 24/7 operational basis. In this context, the ARISTOTLE-eENHSP project (All Risk Integrated System TOwards Trans-boundary hoListic Early-warning - enhanced European Natural Hazards Scientific Partnership) has been designed to offer a flexible and scalable system that can provide new hazard-related services to the ERCC.
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