Simulation and Full-Scale Emulation of a Powertrain for Small Electric Vehicle
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Máster Universitario en Conversión de Energía Eléctrica y Sistemas de Potencia
Electric mobility is a reality that together with the purpose of “Zero CO2 emissions”, optimal quality of life for the metropolis that we are building will be achieved in close future. In this master thesis the work done on a test bench for a basic electric vehicle emulation is described. The work has started with theoretical study of the test bench in order to understand the implementation done in ISEC-IPC. Work has continued on studying and verifying of the technical infrastructure for the test bench like the traction electric motor, servomotor, and respective controllers, as well as, the Li-Ion battery system, the communication and control of the test bench with dSPACE that was setup and tuned. When the knowledge was acquired, the implementation was changed in order to track the test bench with a basic electric vehicle which is in VEIL project. It can be tested the different modules of the test bench and test electric traction motor.
Electric mobility is a reality that together with the purpose of “Zero CO2 emissions”, optimal quality of life for the metropolis that we are building will be achieved in close future. In this master thesis the work done on a test bench for a basic electric vehicle emulation is described. The work has started with theoretical study of the test bench in order to understand the implementation done in ISEC-IPC. Work has continued on studying and verifying of the technical infrastructure for the test bench like the traction electric motor, servomotor, and respective controllers, as well as, the Li-Ion battery system, the communication and control of the test bench with dSPACE that was setup and tuned. When the knowledge was acquired, the implementation was changed in order to track the test bench with a basic electric vehicle which is in VEIL project. It can be tested the different modules of the test bench and test electric traction motor.
Patrocinado por:
Paulo Pereirinha, ISEC-Universidad de Oviedo
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