Modelización estadística de la actividad de los pescadores de percebe de la costa asturiana, España
Autor(es) y otros:
Palabra(s) clave:
Regresión Logística
Fecha de publicación:
Máster Universitario en Biodiversidad Marina y Conservación
The fishing behaviour of Cudillero fishermen were studied using logistic regression models for linking their fishing activities with oceanographic data. A general pattern of explicative variables was observed across all fishermen. Wave height and tide width were the selected variables that may explain better the catch behaviour of the fishermen. A differential response to this variables was also detected, while some fishermen were less susceptive to tide with and wave height than other. A seasonal pattern of variation in the response variables was also observed. Three groups of fishermen were detected. Some fishermen changed their susceptibility to this variables during the analyzed period, taking a more “risky” approach during the October-December period, but then changing it behaviour to a more “conservative” one for the January-April period. The second group presented a more stable behaviour during the whole analyzed period. The third group was characterized for going to fish only during the October-December period.
The fishing behaviour of Cudillero fishermen were studied using logistic regression models for linking their fishing activities with oceanographic data. A general pattern of explicative variables was observed across all fishermen. Wave height and tide width were the selected variables that may explain better the catch behaviour of the fishermen. A differential response to this variables was also detected, while some fishermen were less susceptive to tide with and wave height than other. A seasonal pattern of variation in the response variables was also observed. Three groups of fishermen were detected. Some fishermen changed their susceptibility to this variables during the analyzed period, taking a more “risky” approach during the October-December period, but then changing it behaviour to a more “conservative” one for the January-April period. The second group presented a more stable behaviour during the whole analyzed period. The third group was characterized for going to fish only during the October-December period.
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