
Francisco José Fernández obtained a degree (1988) and a PhD (1994) in Geology from the University of Oviedo. Between July and December 1990, He was Ensign of the Infantry Complement at the Cabo Noval (Noreña) Barracks of the 31st BRILAT company. Between 1994 and 1995, He was awarded a fellowship from the institute INDUROT (University of Oviedo) and a postdoctoral fellowship from the Spanish Ministry to work at the experimental deformation laboratory at the University of Manchester, UK. From 1996 until 2006, He was an Associate Professor, and from January to November 2006 until 2006, He was a professor contracted with a PhD at the University of Oviedo. His research lines include micro-tectonics, active and relief tectonics, paleo-seismicity, high P and T terrains, and kinematic analysis of ...

Campos de especialización
Geología estructural, tectónica, microtectónica, tectónica activa y tectónica-relieve
Geodinámica interna; Geología estructural; Cartografía geológica; Dinámica global; Microtectónica; Análisis de Plegamiento
Última actualización julio 18, 2024
