Li-ion batteries parameter estimation using converter excitation and fusion methods
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Energy Conversion Conference and Exposition 2019 (ECCE 2019) (2019. Baltimore)
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The present work has been partially supported by the predoctoral grant programs Severo Ochoa and FPU for the formation in research and university teaching of Principado de Asturias PCTI-FICYT under the grant ID BP16-133 and Spain MECD under the grant ID FPU16/06829. This work also was supported in part by the Research, Technological Development and Innova-tion Program Oriented to the Society Challenges of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under grant MCIU-18-RTC-2017-6338-3,ENE2016-77919-R and by the European Union through ERFD Structural Funds (FEDER).
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