"Seruae", mothers and the mother-child bond in Roman Italy. The analysis of the epigraphic evidence
Autor(es) y otros:
Palabra(s) clave:
Roma Antigua
Esclavitud femenina
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Descripción física:
This chapter examines the Latin epigraphic sources involving slaves described as mothers from Roman Italy. Despite the fact that slave families were not highly regarded by the Romans, some female slaves appear in the epigraphic evidence, especially epitaphs, as mothers. The analysis of these documents allows us to understand how motherhood was related to slavery. In order to interpret the epigraphic data, this chapter examines considers scenarios where enslaved women played the role of mothers. To do this, an overview on the slave family will be necessary, followed by a focus on slave motherhood from the slaves’ point of view, and the consequences it had in their lives.
This chapter examines the Latin epigraphic sources involving slaves described as mothers from Roman Italy. Despite the fact that slave families were not highly regarded by the Romans, some female slaves appear in the epigraphic evidence, especially epitaphs, as mothers. The analysis of these documents allows us to understand how motherhood was related to slavery. In order to interpret the epigraphic data, this chapter examines considers scenarios where enslaved women played the role of mothers. To do this, an overview on the slave family will be necessary, followed by a focus on slave motherhood from the slaves’ point of view, and the consequences it had in their lives.
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- Capítulos de libros [6287]
- Historia [617]