Fabrication of Paper-Templated Structures of Noble Metals
Publication date:
Publisher version:
Advanced Materials Technologies, 2(2), p. 1600229- (2017); doi:10.1002/admt.201600229
Descripción física:
p. 1600229-
Patrocinado por:
The authors wish to acknowledge the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (Award No. HDTRA1-14-C-0037) for salary support to D.C.C., the Department of Energy Award No. DE-SC00000989 for salary support to F.C.S., the Army Research Office Award No. N00014-10-1-0942 for salary support to A.T., the National Science Foundation (Award No. DMR-0820484) for salary support to S.T., and the University of Oviedo (Campus de Excelencia Internacional) and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Project No. MICINN CTQ2011-25814) for support to M.T.F.-A. The authors also want to thank Dr. Alar Ainla for taking the photos of the structures, Dr. H. Greg Lin for performing the XPS experiments, and Dr. Baris Unal for useful discussions.
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