Una observación sol participiu
participios débiles
participios fuertes
Past participle
Regular past participles
Strong past participles
Publication date:
Universidad de Oviedo
Descripción física:
En tres exemplos verbales asturianos trátase de ver el comportamientu del participiu nel procesu evolutivu y na creación analóxica de la llingua. Asina xunto a participios débiles, regulares, alcontramos exemplos continuadores de participios fuertes heredaos. A la vera, alviértese como tamién posible la creación de participios fuertes curtios que suponen un pasu intermediu ente dambos. La existencia de participios fuertes nel dominiu ástur conozse abenayá pero, en tou casu, fadrá falta insistir nos procedimientos formativos pa perconocer que, dacuando, ye necesario suplir les ausencies que la evolución nun testimonia güei.------------- Abstract: This article analyses, in three Asturian-Language verb examples, the behaviour of the past participle in the Asturian-Language evolutive process and analogical creation.Thus, alongside weak, regular past participles, we find examples which derive from inherited strong past participles. Besides, we realise that it is also possible to create short strong past participles which mean a midway between both of them. The existence of past participles in the Asturian territory is known since a long time ago but, in any case, it will be necessary to insist on the formation procedures in order to admit that, sometimes, it is necessary to fill in the gaps that evolution does not bear witness to nowadays
En tres exemplos verbales asturianos trátase de ver el comportamientu del participiu nel procesu evolutivu y na creación analóxica de la llingua. Asina xunto a participios débiles, regulares, alcontramos exemplos continuadores de participios fuertes heredaos. A la vera, alviértese como tamién posible la creación de participios fuertes curtios que suponen un pasu intermediu ente dambos. La existencia de participios fuertes nel dominiu ástur conozse abenayá pero, en tou casu, fadrá falta insistir nos procedimientos formativos pa perconocer que, dacuando, ye necesario suplir les ausencies que la evolución nun testimonia güei.------------- Abstract: This article analyses, in three Asturian-Language verb examples, the behaviour of the past participle in the Asturian-Language evolutive process and analogical creation.Thus, alongside weak, regular past participles, we find examples which derive from inherited strong past participles. Besides, we realise that it is also possible to create short strong past participles which mean a midway between both of them. The existence of past participles in the Asturian territory is known since a long time ago but, in any case, it will be necessary to insist on the formation procedures in order to admit that, sometimes, it is necessary to fill in the gaps that evolution does not bear witness to nowadays
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