Browsing by author "Cosman, D."
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
A longitudinal examination of the interpersonal theory of suicide and effects of school-based suicide prevention interventions in a multinational study of adolescents
Barzilay, S.; Apter, A.; Snir, A.; Carli, V.; Hoven, C. W.; Sarchiapone, M.; Hadlaczky, G.; Balazs, J.; Kereszteny, A.; Brunner, R.; Kaess, M.; Bobes, Julio; Saiz Martínez, Pilar Alejandra
; Cosman, D.; Haring, C.; Banzer, R.; McMahon, E.; Keeley, H.; Kahn, J. P.; Postuvan, V.; Podlogar, T.; Sisask, M.; Varnik, A.; Wasserman, D. (2019)
A naturalistic, European multi-center clinical study of electrodermal reactivity and suicide risk among patients with depression
Carli, V.; Hadlaczky, G.; Petros, N. G.; Iosue, M.; Zeppegno, P.; Gramaglia, C.; Amore, M.; Baca García, E.; Batra, A.; Cosman, D.; Courtet, P.; Di Sciascio, G.; Ekstrand, J.; Galfalvy, H.; Gusmão, R.; Jesús, C.; Heitor, M. J.; Constante, M.; Rad, P. M.; Saiz Martínez, Pilar Alejandra; Wojnar, M.; Sarchiapone, M. (2022)
Doing Nothing is Sometimes Worse: Comparing Avoidant versus Approach Coping Strategies with Peer Victimization and Their Association to Depression and Suicide Ideation
Benatov, J.; Klomek, A. B.; Shira, B.; Apter, A.; Carli, V.; Wasserman, C.; Hoven, C. W.; Sarchiapone, M.; Balazs, J.; Bobes, Julio; Brunner, R.; Corcoran, P.; Cosman, D.; Haring, C.; Kahn, J. P.; Keeley, H.; Kereszteny, A.; Podlogar, T.; Postuvan, V.; Saiz Martínez, Pilar Alejandra
; Sisask, M.; Varnik, A.; Wasserman, D. (2020)
Influence of coping strategies on the efficacy of YAM (Youth Aware of Mental Health): a universal school-based suicide preventive program
Kahn, J. P.; Cohen, R. F.; Tubiana, A.; Legrand, K.; Wasserman, C.; Carli, V.; Apter, A.; Balazs, J.; Banzer, R.; Baralla, F.; Barzilai, S.; Bobes, Julio; Brunner, R.; Corcoran, Denis Paul
; Cosman, D.; Guillemin, F.; Haring, C.; Kaess, M.; Bitenc, U. M.; Mészàros, G.; McMahon, E.; Postuvan, V.; Saiz Martínez, Pilar Alejandra
; Varnik, A (2020)
Life Events Predicting the First Onset of Adolescent Direct Self-Injurious Behavior—A Prospective Multicenter Study
Kaess, M.; Eppelmann, L.; Brunner, R.; Parzer, P.; Resch, F.; Carli, V.; Wasserman, C.; Sarchiapone, M.; Hoven, C. W.; Apter, A.; Balazs, J.; Barzilay, S.; Bobes, Julio; Cosman, D.; Horvath, L. O.; Kahn, J. P.; Keeley, H.; McMahon, E.; Podlogar, T.; Postuvan, V.; Saiz Martínez, Pilar Alejandra
; Tubiana, A.; Varnik, A.; Wasserman, D. (2019)